Missions Ministry

The Mission Ministry has three goals:

  1. Increase communication between the church and the missions.
  2. Evaluate the missions we support and decide when to start or conclude support for missions.
  3. Find ways to encourage our congregation to get involved with our supported missions, by presenting monthy spotlights on each mission supported, demonstrating the Gospel to the people in Effingham County and organizing and participating in mission trips.

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

This mission is located at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, IL. They are a church that meets during the EIU school year. They bring students to Christ, teach them God's Word and send them into all the world to teach others about Christ. They have Wednesday Bible  Study, Sunday worship services, weekly life groups, action groups that serve and mission trips during the summer.

Lynn & Dori Cazier are the missionaries we support in Kenya. Lynn coordinates the construction of churches for the Maasai people and serves to minister to the leaders of the Christian Churches. Dori work and serves with the women's ministry of the Maasai Christian Church in Kenya.

FCC is supporting Rodney & Rhodes Gephart who are working with the discipleship training schools in Azura, Dominican Republic. This involves 3 to 4 months of lecture and deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ; then, an outreach ministry to apply what was learned in the lecture part of the training school.

The Salvation Army is a Bible-based organinzation that disciples people for Jesus Christ. FCC joins Salvation Army from Thanksgiving weekend until Christmas Eve weekend in the bell ringing fundraiser which supplies people with help in financial crisis.

This ministry develops people into leaders that form groups to promote help in the community and the mission fields. There are short mission trips in the area, and mission trips abroad. Costa Rica is one of the mission fields that groups have gone to. It is a Bible-based mission being the hands and feet of Jesus in this community.

This Christian college educates the students to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and then sends them into all the world to disciple others for Jesus Christ. Mission trips are offered in addition to classes to allow the students to apply what they have learned in the classroom. They are located in St. Louis County in Florissant, MO.

H.I.S. K.I.D.S. serve and support children and their families who are suffering from cancer. They have a camp for them and their siblings each summer. They help parents cope with the problems of cancer, with medical supplies and counseling. They encourage and build the families up and help them lean on the Lord as they go through this difficult illness.

This is a home for abused and troubled children accepted from 5 years old to 16 years old. The houseparents provide a Christ-Centered environment for these children. The paren

This camp is open year round, but has a week of camp for grades 4th through 13th throughout the summer. There are retreats for adults during the spring and fall. They present the plan for salvation through Jesus Christ, bible study, prayer time, worhip time and planned activities each week of camp.

A nonprofit organization that sends aide where it is needed in the world. They also present the gospel to people who are going throught these tough adversities.


Voice of the Martyrs is a nonprofit organization that helps persecuted christians all over the world.

Voice of the Martyrs also had a radio broadcast https://www.vomradio.net/

From Mother's Day to Father's Day Our Church Family Fills Baby Bottles With Change To Donate To Family Life Center.

In The Fall, Until The November Collection Week, Our Church Family Fills Shoeboxes And Brings Them In To Be Prayed Over Befor Delivery

This. is a nonprofit mission that helps missionaries who are out in the mission field to be encouraged and built up by pastors who have experienced being in the mission filed in extended amounts of time

This mission is supported by free-will donations and grants from individuals. The programs include meals-on-wheels prepared by St. Anthony's Memorial hospital at cost for the to medically-referred clients. The FISH Christmas Store is a county-wide program giving toys and food at Christmas. The emergency services ministry helps residents of Effingham county with energy bills, housing, medication and food. The clothes closet opens every 90 days to families in need. The community Thanksgiving Day Dinner, transportation to medical appointments and refer callers to other services as counseling. United Way helps FISH supply school supplies for preschool through 8th grade. 

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